
Google Analytics Events

If your website uses Google Analytics, our poll widget will automatically generate events that you can track from your analytics dashboard.

This allows you to track poll interactions and call-to-action clicks in greater detail and in relation to other aspects of your site. You would, for example, be able to see how many call to action clicks result in sales or signups.


Google Analytics event tracking is a paid feature and events will not generate on free accounts

Google Analytics Poll Interactions Event

Google Analytics Poll Interactions - Country and Gender

#What Analytics Events Do You Generate?

Each time someone interacts with a poll widget we generate the following event:

  • event_name = poll_interaction

Each time someone clicks on the call to action link in the overlay that appears after a poll is interacted with, we generate the following event:

  • event_name = poll_cta_click

All generated events also have supplementary data such as:

  • question = the poll question interacted with
  • segment = the data-segment of the poll (dynamic polls only)

This allows you to dig deeper into exactly which polls are the most interacted with and where those polls are positioned on your site.

The following screenshot shows the real-time event breakdown for a website that uses a sitewide dynamic poll to ask users to rate computer games.

Google Analytics Poll Interactions - Real-Time Segment

2 lines of code and a database of over 5000 games can be individually rated and tracked!

Learn more about how to setup dynamic polls.